Inbuilt motorized screw jack for vehicle

  • Unique Paper ID: 152809
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 528-531
  • Abstract:
  • In side road emergences like tyre puncture or vehicle maintenance and repair, conventional car jacks used mechanical advantage to allow human power to raise the vehicle by manual force. This project shows modification of current mechanical manual jack with the use of an electric DC motor in the screw in order to make load lifting easier. This system can be placed in every in automobile under any operating condition. This project will reduce human effort and time. With the increasing levels of technology, the efforts being put to produce any kind of work has been continuously decreasing. The efforts required in achieving the desired output can be effectively and economically be decreased by the implementation of better designs. Power screws are used to convert rotary motion into translatory motion. A mechanical jack is an example of a power screw in which a small force applied in a horizontal plane is used to raise or lower a large load. The advantage of a mechanical jack is the ratio of the load applied to the effort applied. The height of the jack is adjusted by turning a lead screw and this adjustment can be done either manually or by integrating an electric motor.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 528-531

Inbuilt motorized screw jack for vehicle

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