Efficacy of Fartlek Training on selected Physical and Psychological Variables Among the RSA Academic Respondents in Trichy

  • Unique Paper ID: 153017
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 333-336
  • Abstract:
  • The study was carried out to identify the effect of fartlek training on selected psychological variables among the academic respondents in trichy. Materials and Methods:To achieve the purpose of the study, thirty male respondents were selected from Rock fort Star Athletic Academic in Trichy district, Tamilnadu state. The age ranged between 18 to 23 years. The subjects (N=30) were randomly selected and divided into two groups. The experimental group (N=15) underwent fartlek training during morning hours weekly three days over six weeks. The control group (N=15) was left out from the training. The criterion variables selected for this study were physical variable as Cardiovascular Endurance and psychological variables such as Trait anxiety. The following standardized test items and questionnaire were used to assess the dependent physical variable such as Cooper's 12 minutes Run/Walk and psychological variables such as Trait anxiety. Results:The data were collected before and the after experimental period. The data pertaining to the variable for this study were examined by using analysis covariance (ANCOVA). The level of confidence was fixed at 0.05 levels for all the cases. Conculsions:The result of the study revealed that there was a significant improvement on selected physical variables such as cooper 12 minutes run/walk and psychological variable such as trait anxiety level decrease to improve the higher level of performance of experimental group due to the influence of fartlek training when compared to control group of criterion variables.

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