A Study on the Role of Human Resource Management Practices on the Business Performance of Dindigul District Cooperative Milk Producer Union Ltd

  • Unique Paper ID: 153115
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 552-561
  • Abstract:
  • Cooperative organization success depends upon the people who are working in the organization. If there are no human resource management practices, then the organization always faces difficulties and cannot perform in a competitive society. Human capital, at times, is irreplaceable. Employee participation encourages the employees it boost the employees in an organization. It plays an essential role in the cooperative organization. The ever-changing technological developments, customer expectations, severe competition, quality consciousness, and globalization forces have necessitated a reorientation of the Cooperatives to compete and survive in a competitive environment. The goals of Cooperatives can be achieved through effective adjustment of human resources allocations, forecasts, Recruitment, training and Development, and performance appraisal and compensation management. In the cooperative sector, the HRM has assumed special significance in recent times. In the tiny primary cooperatives where the employment is confined to a few people, the relationship is bound to be informal and personalized. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between Human Resource management practices and the Business performance of cooperatives. The Business performance that serves as variables of the study is in the broad HRM Practices area of Business performance. Hence this study is undertaken to study the role of Human Resource Management Practices on the Business Performance of Cooperatives in Dindigul District.

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