A Study on Small and Marginal Farmers problem faced at farm level: Assessing the PACS member’s Satisfaction level

  • Unique Paper ID: 153118
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 577-581
  • Abstract:
  • The present study examines the problems faced by small and marginal farmers and the role of PACS and the service offered to the members. The study explores the small and marginal farmer’s satisfaction with services provided by PACS like financing, marketing, cultivation, inputs, and farmers overcome from them facing problems at the farming level. Small and marginal farmers are facing difficulties to get credit from outsources. PACS performed better way to solve their difficulties. The financial support from the PACS plays a major role in the small and marginal farmers' easy accessibility of credit. The result of this study has shown that there is a positive relation and impact of financial support and inputs.

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