The Influence of School Residential Status on Attachment and Fear of Intimacy among Young Adults

  • Unique Paper ID: 153445
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 228-232
  • Abstract:
  • This research explores the influence of school residential status on attachment and fear of intimacy among young adults. Factors affecting Attachment and Intimacy are attachment style, Quality of caregiving, Family cohesion, Characteristics of the child and Family’s internal working model. A sudden and irrevocable loss of primary attachments often leads to a significant trauma experienced by children sent to boarding school at a young age. The dependent variable was attachment and fear of intimacy. Attachment is affection, fondness or sympathy for someone or something and Intimacy means the feeling of closeness and bond in young adults in all kind of relationships. The independent variable was school residential status and gender. The study was conducted on young adults between 20-40 years of age and they participated in the study voluntarily. The study adopted a snowball and convenience sample of adults who either did their schooling from boarding or were day-scholars. The hypotheses stated that there were significant difference in the attachment and intimacy depending on the varying residential status of school and gender. Also it was hypothesized that there was interaction effect of school residential status and gender on attachment and intimacy. Relationship structure (ECR-RS) and Fear of Intimacy Scale (FIS) were the highly reliable tools used for the study. However, the analysis involving Two-way ANOVA of the participants (n=100) indicated that school residential status and gender only influenced attachment but not intimacy. It was also found that there was no interaction effect of school residential status and gender on attachment and intimacy among young adults.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 228-232

The Influence of School Residential Status on Attachment and Fear of Intimacy among Young Adults

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