• ISSN: 2349-6002
  • UGC Approved Journal No 47859

Sustainable Nanocrystals of silver using fresh Leaves Extract of Healing Plant Vinca Rosea and Bactericidal activity

  • Unique Paper ID: 154061
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 671-678
  • Abstract:
  • The present manuscript describe sustainable silver nanocrystals using aqueous extracts of fresh leaves of Vinca Rosea, traditional medicine useful in the conservation of traditional cultures, biodiversity, health care, drug development. Vinca Rosea (Catharanthus roseus) green plant first originated from islands of Madagascar, flowers may vary in colour from pink to purple and leaves are arranged in opposite pairs, produces nearly 130 alkaloids mainly ajmalcine, vinceine, resperine, vincristine, vinblastine and raubasin. Vincristine, vinblastine are used for the treatment of various types of cancer such as Hodgkin's disease, breast cancer, skin cancer and lymphoblastic leukemia, Ayurveda for antitumour, anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-mutagenic effects and has high medicinal values which need to be explored extensively. This method allowed the synthesis of nanocrystals, which was confirmed by UV-Spectra and TEM. UV-Vis spectra and visual observation showed that the color of the fresh leaf extracts of Vinca Rosea turned into brownish yellow, respectively, after treatment with silver. In addition, TEM analysis confirmed that AgNO3 solutions for all concentrations produced Silver Nanocrystals and their average size was less than 30 nm. Moreover, extracts of Vinca Rosea were tested for their bactericidal activity against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Escherichia coli bacteria.

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