Research paper on Managment percepton towards Doctor's Performance Appraisal with specific reference to Saurashtra region.

  • Unique Paper ID: 154230
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 328-331
  • Abstract:
  • An effective performance appraisal system is an essential tool for the managers ‘to take right decision on assessing the competency level of the doctors and their career advancement. This research has concentrated to ascertain the knowledge, skills and attitude of the doctors working in hospital industries. The system should be free from bias so that the doctors are afforded the chance to get a fair appraisal. Management Perception will play very important role in Performance Appraisal of Doctors. It shows that if appraisals are not fair, then a doctor would not be aware of their true performance level. This could affect their opportunity for advancement in their jobs in the future. It can also affect doctors ‘moral as good appraisal results motivate doctors to work even harder. Therefore, inaccurate ratings results in frustrated doctors, inappropriate rewards and punishment. This study focused on the factors that affect the progress of the staff working in hospital industries. It highlights the fact that the system is adequately supported from the top (senior management), as commitment at this level is a prerequisite for a system‘s effectiveness.

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