Economic Independence among Rural Women Entrepreneurship – A Study with special reference to Ariyalur District

  • Unique Paper ID: 154317
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 566-572
  • Abstract:
  • In today’s world, women entrepreneurs are playing very vital role and they have become important part of the global business environment and it’s really important for the sustained economic development and social progress. In India, though women are playing key role in the society, but still their entrepreneurial ability has not been properly tapped due to the lower status of women in the society. However, they still represent a minority of all entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurs often face gender-based barriers to starting and growing their businesses, like discriminatory property, matrimonial and inheritance laws and/or cultural practices; lack of access to formal finance mechanisms; limited mobility and access to information and networks, etc. Women’s entrepreneurship can make a particularly strong contribution to the economic well-being of the family and communities, poverty reduction and women’s empowerment, thus contributing to the Millennium development goals. Thus, governments across the world as well as various developmental organizations are actively undertaking promotion of women entrepreneurs through various schemes, incentives and promotional measures. The main purpose of this paper is to find out the Economic Independence of women entrepreneurs in India. This paper includes rationale grounds behind the women entrepreneurship. Another main purpose of this paper is to analyze Role of social and economic factors in rural women entrepreneurship development of women enterprise in Ariyalur district. Main reasons for women to become an entrepreneur, the social and economic factors that are serving the women to put their views into action are also included in this study. On the basis of this study some suggestions are given to encourage and develop the spirit of rural women entrepreneurship to become a successful entrepreneur in Ariyalur district.

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8.01 (Year 2024)

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