The socio-Economic condition of women workers in unorganized sectors of Agriculture, street vendors and garments- A study on Kamalapur city in the district of Vijayanagar, Karnataka

  • Unique Paper ID: 154369
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 54-60
  • Abstract:
  • The unorganized sector plays a very important part in the Indian economy and the involvement of women in this sector is more than men. In 2018, only 50 % of the Indian population participated in the labour force, 81% of which was employed in the informal sector, also known as the unorganized sector or the shadow economy.Moreover, these workers contribute 62% to the gross domestic product (GDP), and 50% to the national income. But still, women are not provided with the facilities, and they are working and living their life below the satisfaction level. At the workplace, they are exploited, deprived and do not get the status that the men workers enjoy. There are varied natures of problems the women workers are facing now. Their socio cause concerns. In this regard, an attempt has been made to ascertain and examine the socio-economic conditions of women workers engaged in Agriculture, street vending and in garments. The data is collected through a structured questionnaire. Women workers engaged in Agriculture, street vending and garment workers of Kamalapur city are considered as the unit of study. A simple random sampling method has been adopted to analyse the socio-economic profile of the respondents.

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