An investigation on the Application of Natural Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composite for design and fabrication of Long Skateboard

  • Unique Paper ID: 154775
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 872-877
  • Abstract:
  • Composites are strong and lightweight. Products made with composites are resistant to corrosion from weather and chemicals and are made to last. Composites can be moulded into flexible and complicated shapes, giving designers the freedom to create almost any shape or form. Compared to other materials, composites offer a number of advantages. Designers, engineers and architects are replacing materials such as steel, aluminium, wood and granite with composites. Because in head-to-head comparisons, composites are stronger, lighter, more versatile and stand the test of time. Composites are used in numerous markets, including aerospace, architecture, automotive, energy, infrastructure, marine, military, and sports and recreation. Researchers continue to find new ways to use composites to develop life-changing applications. With composites, the possibilities are endless. Fibre-reinforced polymer composite possess not only high strength to weight ratio, but also reveals excellent properties such as high durability; stiffness; low cost; biodegradability; damping property; flexural strength; and resistance to corrosion, wear, impact, and fire. These wide ranges of diverse features have led composite materials to find applications in spacecrafts, aircraft structures, automobile sector and in sports equipment. Coir and sisal is one of the most popular natural fibre. India contributes to abundant of world Coir and sisal resources. Sisal is one of the fastest growing plants in world and achieves its complete mechanical properties within 3-4 years. Coir has the highest mechanical strength in all-natural fibre and lowest density. The materials chosen are epoxy resin as matrix and coir mat and woven sisal fibre as the reinforcement.

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