Identifying Incentives for Today's Generation in the Construction Industry Using Early Motivational Theories

  • Unique Paper ID: 154810
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 355-358
  • Abstract:
  • Even at critical times like the COVID-19 pandemic, India's infrastructure industry has always exhibited amazing growth and was also the first economic activities to resume in India when the lockdown was lifted. The construction sector will become one of the most promising for the Indian economy if the planned roadmap is followed on time and with zeal. But in India, one of the least researched topics in the Indian construction business is employee motivation through incentives; as a result Incentives provided for motivating employees are not given much attention and importance they deserve. Hence it’s necessary to create inspiration in employees and a desire to perform to their full potential. But man has an inherent tendency to be lazy when it comes to work, and that he is pushed to work by circumstances. The most difficult task is to change the attitude and behaviors of employee towards the working environment. Change in lifestyle and attitude can affect the organization’s efficiency & productivity. So, as per the today’s generation and fast-paced lifestyle, there is change in needs and requirement of incentives. So, the main aim of this thesis is to identify the incentives as per today’s generation based on the earlier motivational theories.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 355-358

Identifying Incentives for Today's Generation in the Construction Industry Using Early Motivational Theories

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