The controllability and preventive measures in Pressure Ulcer based on healthy food and good practices

  • Unique Paper ID: 155147
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 148-154
  • Abstract:
  • The nutritional needs of people with pressure ulcers are very high and they may need extra protein, calories and vitamins and minerals, to help their wounds heal. Efficiency in vital nutrients may delay wound healing. Research supports the importance of protein, vitamin C and zinc in wound healing. Chronic wound healing requires a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach. Early identification of at-risk patients is vital for the prevention and exacerbation of pressure sore development. Wound healing involves complex physico­chemical interactions that require various micro and macronutrients at every stage. The prevalence of pressure ulcers among hospitalized patients ranges from 3%­11% and 18% among bedridden hospitalized patients. The relationship between malnutrition and pressure sore development is well documented. Clinical manifestations of malnutrition include weight loss and compromised immune function. Both underweight and obese individuals can be malnourished. A high incidence of weight loss, low body mass index, malnutrition and poor visceral protein status are reported nutritional factors associated with pressure ulcer development in long-term care patients. A primary objective for healthcare professionals should be to recognize the risk factors for under nutrition in such patients and to try to maximize their nutritional status if possible.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 148-154

The controllability and preventive measures in Pressure Ulcer based on healthy food and good practices

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