Investigation on Properties of Metal Matrix Composite Aluminium 6063 Reinforced with Silicon Carbide and Manganese

  • Unique Paper ID: 155209
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 1258-1262
  • Abstract:
  • This study looks at how adding silicon and manganese particles to aluminum alloy 6063 affects its performance. Al 6063 is a lightweight metal with high specific strength, impact strength, and mechanical properties. It was used as the base metal for this product. The composite specimens were made with three different weight percentages of silicon carbide: manganese (3.5%:0.1%, 7%:0.2%, 10%:0.3%). This technique was used to create them. The addition of silicon and manganese to aluminum metal matrix composites has resulted in enhanced mechanical properties. The hardness, impact and tensile tests were performed to investigate the mechanical properties of each of the samples.

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