Comparative Study of Racism in African and American Culture: A Case Study of Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye

  • Unique Paper ID: 155295
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 514-517
  • Abstract:
  • For the last four decades the issue of racial discrimination has been dealt remarkably by the Afro-American writers but till 1960s despite so many reforms it fundamentally remains unchanged in the United States of America and continues to a great extent even today. Toni Morrison, an Afro-American novelist has challenged and exposed racial domination and discrimination in almost all of her narratives. The socio- cultural condition of black society is the cause of the trauma of black people. The views and perspectives popularized and universalized regarding black people by white have created hierarchy in the African society itself. Internalization of racism by African themselves results into stratification in which women are placed on the last of margin. Morrison’s The Bluest Eye depicts the dualistic tale of oppressor and oppressed. The racism, oppression and marginalization in Afro-American communities like African, Native American, Anglo and Mulatto have enabled them to develop low opinion regarding themselves, however the novelist tries at her best to bring forth their perspective by exposing the mental colonization of African culture. The present paper attempts to explore the case of racism in Africa and America both focusing on The Bluest Eye of Morrison.

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