Coal mining safety system using WUSN and LORA

  • Unique Paper ID: 155665
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 1439-1444
  • Abstract:
  • Generally, people working in mining areas, face many risk factors like variation in temperature, pressure and leakage of hazardous and harmful gases like Fire damp a flammable gas found in coal mines. It is particularly found in areas where the coal is bituminous. The gas accumulates in pockets in the coal and adjacent strata, and when they are penetrated, the release can trigger explosions. In order to avoid such huge catastrophic disasters this multi monitoring system should be used, to safe guard the people working inside the mine and its environmental parameters should also need to be monitored. The hardware consists of electronic circuitry where a microcontroller is the principal processing unit with a graphical user interface. Using that a number of qualification tests are carried out. The existing system uses a single monitoring system were only a single parameter can be monitored at a time, but the proposed system can analyze different parameters like temperature, humidity and gas. Natural calamities like landslides occur due to soil erosion and heavy rainfall. MEMS Sensor and Vibration Sensor are used to monitor natural disaster.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 1439-1444

Coal mining safety system using WUSN and LORA

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