Problems faced by Muslim girls while choosing any professional course

  • Unique Paper ID: 155975
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 650-654
  • Abstract:
  • There are a huge number of problems and issues faced by Muslim girls in every face and aspect of life but when it comes to education and specifically professional education, it becomes more problematic and tough. Because most of the families still prefer a safe and comparatively easy as well as less burdened job for their girls. Girls constitute almost half of the population of the world. Education for girls is the best way to improve the health nutrition and economic status of a household that constitute a micro unit of nation economy. Gender disparities in education and all other social and demographic indicators reflect the unequal position of girl and women in highly sexist gender discriminatory social order. While historically there has always been a gap between the boys and girls in India, the case of Muslim girls has been yawing. The Study aimed at giving a brief overview of education status of Muslim girls and to explore the future directions and strategies for integrating and galvanizing women of all walks of life for playing their role in building and sustaining the 21st Century. And more importantly building an equitable social order and a society that will give its girls not only formal equality but a life of dignity.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 650-654

Problems faced by Muslim girls while choosing any professional course

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