• Unique Paper ID: 156132
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 1252-1255
  • Abstract:
  • In India most of the population is depending on agriculture and it is the backbone of the Indian economy. Agriculture is generally said to be an uncertain profession in terms of profit due to various reasons. The most prominent reason apart from natural calamity is lack of information in practicing agriculture in a scientific way. If all the important information is available to farmer in local language through a mobile phone, then smart-agriculture practices can be adopted by farmer and the profession of agriculture will be a profitable profession. So, keeping this concept as a domain, an android app which involves each and every information about plenty of crops, their marketing value, soil information, fertilizers and pesticides to be used according to crops disease, temperature, weather and machine information etc., is proposed to assist the people or farmers to produce better crops. This application is provided with language interface. Android app is designed with ANDROID STUDIO, Firebase with the support of open source statically typed programming language called KOTLIN. In this particular paper there are various types of modules are designed to manage information regarding Agri machines and machine tools, different crops, pesticides, diseases etc., in a user-friendly manner.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 1252-1255


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