Major Challenges in ERP and CRM software implementation in Banking Industries

  • Unique Paper ID: 156231
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 262-271
  • Abstract:
  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software is a large, integrated software package that offers solutions for administrative and, depending on the industry, also for core-business processes. While the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is also an important software widely used throughout the world for providing maximum benefits to the customers. This software maintains all the data and information for providing maximum benefits to the customers. It focuses on pre-existing (by providing maximum services) and potential customers for long-term benefits. This study was conducted to collect data about the major challenges in ERP and CRM system implementation in Banking Industries. The questionnaire survey was conducted for data collection. A total of 100 participants were interviewed for data collection. Only those respondents selected for data collection have experience of using ERP and CRM systems. Both the customers and the employees from different banks of Texas were selected for data collection. The findings of this study revealed that the users report different challenges while using the ERP and CRS systems i.e. most of the respondents concluded that the main challenge is security of data and information (53%) followed by a complicated way of using the system (18%). Similarly, the outcomes of this study also concluded that the (63%) respondent�s responses the application of ERP and CRS systems enhances the productivity of their organization and the 27% respondent responses this system does not put any signiant impacts on productivity. There were different ways such as improving the software with the passage of time, conducting different training sessions, improving the interface and increasing data security. The findings of this study concluded that increasing the data security (45%), followed by improving the interface (35%), conducting different training sections (25%) and updating the software (5%) can improve the productivity and effectiveness of ERP and CRM systems.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 262-271

Major Challenges in ERP and CRM software implementation in Banking Industries

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