• Unique Paper ID: 156276
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 175-178
  • Abstract:
  • Cloud computing changed the world around us. Now people are moving their data to the cloud since data is getting bigger and needs to be accessible from many devices. Therefore, storing the data on the cloud becomes a norm. More and more users are uploading their data to the cloud without storing any copies locally. Under the premise that cloud users cannot fully trust cloud service providers, how to ensure the integrity of users’ shared data in the cloud storage environment is one of the current research hotspots. Cloud computing proceeds to be bragged as a major breakthrough in IT administration. With the fast development as well as request of Cloud computing, the major concern is on its security and protection, which is decided by the arrangements, controls and innovations required to secure the information, applications, and the related framework of Cloud computing. These challenges force a few unused inquire about questions to the investigate community to guarantee appropriate security of the IT framework. The objective of this venture is to supply the later progressions and a wide diagram of the existing writing covering different measurements of the Cloud security. The paper moreover incorporates different headings for future inquire about in Cloud security based on the related distributed work and industry patterns. This may be exceptionally valuable, especially for the passage level analysts, who wish to conduct the inquire about in these related areas.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 175-178


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