Smart Parking Applications Using RFID

  • Unique Paper ID: 156445
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 656-658
  • Abstract:
  • The proposed Smart parking system consist of an on site deployment of an IOT module that is used to monitor and signalize the state of availability of parking space.This project introduce an IOT based efficient and easy way of parking the vehicles by checking the availability of slots. Present day's car parking has become major issue in urban area with lack of parking facilities. It is very difficult and frustrating to find a parking space in most metropolitan areas, especially during the rush hours. To solve these problem the proposed application provide an easy way for reservation of parking slot Present day's car parking has become major issue in urban area with lack of parking facilities. It is very difficult and frustrating to find a parking space in most metropolitan areas, especially during the rush hours. To solve these problem the proposed application provide an easy way for reservation of parking slot Present day's car parking has become major issue in urban area with lack of parking facilities. It is very difficult and frustrating to find a parking space in most metropolitan areas, especially during the rush hours. To solve these problem the proposed application provide an easy way for reservation of parking slot Present day car parking has become major issue in urban area with lack of parking facilities.Its very difficult and frustrating to find a parking space in most metropolitan areas ,especially during the rush hours.To solve these problem the proposed application provide an easy way for reservation of parking slot. There has been a considerable amount of reduction in transaction costs and decrease in stock shortage with the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in automation. Most of the RFID networks include a wide range of automation technologies. These technologies are RFID readers, RFID writers, RFID barcode scanners, RFID smart sensors and RFID controllers. In this study, a solution has been provided for the problems encountered in parking-lot management systems via RFID technology. RFID readers, RFID labels, computers, barriers and software are used as for the main components of the RFID techno

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 656-658

Smart Parking Applications Using RFID

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