O'Henry's selected short stories and Hemingway's power of freedom

  • Unique Paper ID: 156480
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 842-843
  • Abstract:
  • This short story depicts a love theme which gives the courage and motivational power to delimit the problem of money. Della suffers due to lack of money because she plans a surprise gift for her husband. But her capability never keeps her aloof from fulfilling her wishes. This depicts her true love towards Jim her husband so she gets her hair sold to get the money to buy a surprise Christmas gift for him. Thus time itself represents love is the guiding force in her life makes her happy by bringing togetherness making sufferings and pains forgotten. While Jim unlike her sacrifices his forefather's gold watch out of love describes his dedication and devotion towards a sincere love relationship. But only true relationships exist because they are happy together and   their this togetherness brings happiness which gives them the strength to sacrifice their forefathers treasures by fulfilling their hopes and desires to make gifts more worthy like the magi who brought  priceless gifts for Jesus Christ so historically bringing the most priceless possession out of love, faith and respect similarly both of them sacrifices to win the faith, trust and respect towards each other out of love as they both selflessly sacrifices their priceless possessions out of love. 

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 842-843

O'Henry's selected short stories and Hemingway's power of freedom

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