IoT Based Automated Vehicular System for Human Safety

  • Unique Paper ID: 156536
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 46-49
  • Abstract:
  • This paper presents automated vehicular system for human safety. With population growth, the demand for vehicles has increased tremendously, which has created an alarming situation in terms of traffic hazards and road accidents. The road accidents percentage is growing exponentially and so is the fatalities caused due to accidents. However, the primary cause of the increased rate of fatalities is, due to the delay in emergency services. Many lives could be saved with efficient rescue services. In this system, most of the accident scenarios can be avoided by detecting accidents on time and triggering immediate help from emergency services by using GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) and GPS (Global Positioning System). The main aim of this project work to provide immediate emergency services on time and on exact location. The second aim is to prevent alcohol-impaired drivers from getting behind the wheel by detecting alcohol consumption of a driver using sensor which sense alcoholic gas content of the surrounding air. This system contains hardware ATMEGA 328 microcontroller, GPS, GSM, vibrator sensor, gas sensor, LCD and Relay. The system is implemented and working. This system will help to reduce road accidents.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 46-49

IoT Based Automated Vehicular System for Human Safety

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