Germination, Seedlings vigour and Salt tolerance index of mungbean genotypes under enhanced levels of salt stress

  • Unique Paper ID: 156560
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 143-150
  • Abstract:
  • Ten genetically diverse genotypes of mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) were assessed for their salinity tolerance at 4 ESP (10, 20, 30, 40) levels in pot experiment for germination percentage (GP), shoot and root length and their fresh and dry weight, seedlings vigour and salt tolerance capacity during summer, 2020 at Soil Salinity Farm, Dileep Nagar, Kanpur. Genotype EC 88 followed by I 10 exhibited least reduction (13.47% and 14.78%, respectively) in germination percentage at highest level of salt concentration, maximum reduction (41.51%) in GP was observed in Pusa Vishal, KM 2241 followed by EC 88 showed least reduction in shoot and root length as compared to other genotypes at 40 ESP. KM 2241 again proved to be a good genotype with comparatively less reduction in shoot and root dry weight at high salt stress condition. Seedling vigour index was highest of KM 2241 followed by I 51 at high salt concentration (40 ESP). These genotypes showed comparatively less reduction in seedling vigour over Control. Salt tolerance index (STI) value was highest for KM 2241 followed by IPM 99-125 and I 51 at 40 ESP. KM 2241 appeared be a good genotype possessing gene (s) for tolerance to high concentration of salt which can be used as donor parent in hybridization programme of mungbean aimed at improving seed germination and seedling vigour.

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