Techniques of Digital Preservation and Curation Process for the Printed Data with the Dspace (Digital Library Software)

  • Unique Paper ID: 156667
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 431-441
  • Abstract:
  • There is a lot of research going on in the present age and new research information is also growing, but the present age is so advanced that all those research documents are being converted and preserved easily by converting them to digital but how about all the old printed documents stored in the library? Demonstrate how to convert digitally and how to store them over a long period of time. This article shows how to convert and preserve printed documents to digital and how to store them for a long time. If steps are not taken to preserve these printed documents, many valuable resources will be wasted, so all institutional libraries will have to take steps now to preserve old printed documents. This article discusses how to preserve old printed documents. Finding old documents and converting them from print documents to digital documents. Some tools and software have been used for preservation such as scanner machines, editing software, file converting software, computers, digital library software (Dspace), etc. Old documents need to be digitally preserved, so that researchers of the present age can use those documents in their research. They need to be cursed as soon as they are preserved so that the documents get the right dimensions. Here, digital library software called Dspace is used for curation and preservation, so that documents can be cursed and preserved in a good way. Dspace is open source digital library software that helps store and preserve documents. Metadata can be edited and cursed through this software while the documented ones are preserved. Preservation means that documents can be stored for a long time and delivered to users at the right time.

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