Design a PID controller for load frequency control of multi area thermal power system using Elephant Herding Optimization technique

  • Unique Paper ID: 156731
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 571-582
  • Abstract:
  • In this paper, an application of Elephant Herding Optimization technique has been proposed for employing the parameter of PID controller for Load frequency control of two area non-reheat power system. This algorithm is one of the new meta-heuristic-based algorithm which have been developed in 2015. The parameter of PID controller is optimized by minimizing the objective function as Integral Square of Error. A 1% step load perturbation is applied in the load demand in area 1 for analyzing the dynamic performance of the power system. This paper utilizes the EHO tuned PID to improve the stability and dynamic response of the LFC of power system. The superiority of proposed EHO tuned PID controller has been proved by comparing the performances of change in frequency and change in power in tie-line of power system with PID controller in literature. In addition to these, the robust analysis of proposed controller is applied to the power system by changing the system parameters during loading conditions in the range of +25% to -25% of their standard values.

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