An Analysis of the Conflict Management Approaches in Organization: A Brief Review

  • Unique Paper ID: 156819
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 97-110
  • Abstract:
  • Conflict can be characterized as an endeavour by people to demonstrate their understanding to their opponents, which may arise due to their differing demands, viewpoints, beliefs, values, Conflict. This research is based on the informative literature on the use of different conflict management methods in businesses. This research makes several theoretical contributions. First, evidence suggests that parties involved in a conflict may respond differently to conflict management techniques. This study's findings will add to the expanding body of literature that examines the significance of individual differences in conflict management. Second, this work aims to provide recommendations for managing and resolving conflict, thereby lessening its harmful and destructive impacts. Many ideologies in backgrounds attempt to impose their ideas in an environment that leads to Conflict. Conflict is resolved through effective leadership, improved communication, and effective negotiation, all of which contribute to a beneficial outcome by resolving the issues at hand. This paper discusses the different types of Conflict, the benefits and drawbacks, and the causes. There are other strategies for preventing and effectively managing conflicts given. This paper can be an excellent place to start for scholars interested in learning more about how conflicts affect firms. Overall, the most common type of Conflict is relationship conflict. According to the findings, managers' integrating and compromising styles are more frequent, whereas subordinates' avoiding, obliging and dominating classes are more common. The current study only focused on conflict management styles as major organizational elements; their impact on employee behaviour, attitude, performance, and reaction could not be analyzed. Future studies can back up employees' attitudes and behaviours when it comes to conflict management techniques.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 97-110

An Analysis of the Conflict Management Approaches in Organization: A Brief Review

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