Role of fat metabolism in gastric cancer

  • Unique Paper ID: 157005
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 605-610
  • Abstract:
  • Gastric cancer is a heterogeneous dangerous illness related to ecological and hereditary inclining factors. While gastric malignant growth frequency and mortality fell enormously globally over the course of the last many years, it remains the fourth reason for disease-related death around the world. Hence, counteraction of gastric disease is a major strategy for the development of gastric malignant growth visualization. Chemotherapy has been found as a primary treatment for a metastatic gastric malignant tumor, though drug obstruction restricts the viability of chemotherapy and prompts treatment failure. Chemotherapy obstruction in malignant gastric tumors has a multifactorial mechanism, among which lipid metabolism assumes a crucial part. Raised synthesis of new lipids or take-up of exogenous lipids can lead to the quick development of malignant growth cells and cancer formation. Lipids structure the underlying premise of biofilms while serving as signal molecules and energy sources. Lipid metabolism must be fit for prompting drug obstruction in gastric malignant tumor cells by reshaping the cancer miniature climate. In this review, the new mechanism of lipid metabolism in gastric malignant tumors and the metabolic pathways associated with chemotherapy obstruction are audited. Specifically, we talk about the impacts of lipid metabolism on autophagy, biomarkers therapy, and medication obstruction in gastric malignant according to the point of view of lipid metabolism. In short, new experiences can be acquired in the advancement of promising treatments through a top to bottom examination of the mechanism of lipid metabolism reconstructing and resensitization to chemotherapy in gastric malignant tumor cells, and scientific treatment can be given by applying lipid-key enzyme inhibitors as disease substance sensitizers in clinical settings.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 605-610

Role of fat metabolism in gastric cancer

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