Evaluation of using L-band Patch Antenna to Enhance CubeSats TT&C Subsystem

  • Unique Paper ID: 157477
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 325-332
  • Abstract:
  • The Communication link of CubeSat satellite suffers from Poor power of received signal, therefore, the link of CubeSat satellite is Susceptible to noise and interference and the sig-nal may be lost because the CubeSat satellite transmit the signal to long distance at UHF, VHF frequency to increase the power received signal the gain of antenna most be in-crease so the slotted rectangular patch antenna is designed by using trial and error method by using HFSS simulator The slots is made to increase gain and enhance the VSWR and return loss without changing the patch antenna dimensions .This is antenna instead of the dipole antenna that is used in the CubeSat satellite it has gain of 2.5 dBi the slotted patch antenna is used because it has some advantages such as low cost, low profile, easily fabricated, small size. All of these specifications fit with small satellite (cube satellite) it gave us the gain about 8.5 dBi, this is the value of gain is added to power received signal after that the link budget is calculated by using MATLAB simulator and then the link performance is evaluated by calculating the C\No and Eb\No ratios.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 325-332

Evaluation of using L-band Patch Antenna to Enhance CubeSats TT&C Subsystem

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