Design of Multifunctional Induction Machine

  • Unique Paper ID: 157537
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 479-483
  • Abstract:
  • With the need for increased versatility of industrial equipment, the industries are leaning towards the multifunctioning of a single unit for various applications. In view of this, two of the most widely used industrial equipment’s i.e. Induction motor and Welding Transformer can be made to work simultaneously as a single unit and hence the name ”Multifunction Operation of Induction Motor”. Multifunctioning induction motor aims at running the machine as a three-phase motor, welding transformer, single phase motor, and a phase converter. This not only reduces the cost and space but also performs better when made to run as a single-phase induction motor. In the past, several works have been published on achieving this through the redesigning of the stator three-phase winding. In addition, two single-phase windings have been incorporated in the stator to serve the purpose of transformer secondary winding and the tap changer. The same set of single phase windings also serve as starting and running windings of single-phase induction motor when made to run on a single-phase supply. On the basis of the above works, it is clear that induction occurs from three phase to single phase winding, creating harmonics in single phase winding and limiting the duration of the motor’s operation. Our current work aims at redesigning the stator and rectifying the above problem, which has been overlooked in previous works.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 479-483

Design of Multifunctional Induction Machine

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