A Study of Indian customers’ impulsive buying behavior of cosmetics through cybershopping

  • Unique Paper ID: 157998
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 513-520
  • Abstract:
  • For the past 60 years, impulse buying has attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners Through compiling the numerous research projects done in the fields of customer behavior and cybershopping, this study aims to provide a complete description of Indian customers' impulse buying habits when they purchase cosmetics online. The study suggests and empirically supports a research paradigm that addresses impulsive online consumer purchasing behavior. This study was conducted to determine how different situational factors affect everyone's likelihood of making impulse purchases. The various situational factors taken into account are categorized as demographic factors (gender , age , income, marital status etc.), cosmetic buying behavior factors (kind of cosmetics used, brand loyalty ,factors influencing the purchase intention like advertisements,word of mouth etc., cost , size of the product ) , marketing factors that affect impulse buying behavior (online shopping , advertisement, sales promotion, country of origin etc. ), For this, data was collected through a questionnaire with 273 respondents and analyzed ,as well as one-on-one consumer interviews were conducted .The construct "desire to buy impulsively" was significantly positively correlated with situational factors such as advertisements, promotions, and money available, etc . Additionally, the findings showed that age was significantly negatively associated with impulsive purchase behavior while gender had no impact on this activity. The study's findings give both theorists and marketers valuable information about the burgeoning organized retailing industry's potential for a bright future.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 513-520

A Study of Indian customers’ impulsive buying behavior of cosmetics through cybershopping

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