Role of branding in Indian Politics - A study with reference to General elections 2019

  • Unique Paper ID: 158105
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 525-532
  • Abstract:
  • Political Branding and Digital Marketing have made their venture into the Indian Political space. This primary objective of the paper is to analyze the various modes of branding of different parties, especially focusing on BJP and how the voters have been getting influenced by it. The Indian elections of 2019 were a major example to observe the party’s branding techniques. The paper has been divided into the effectiveness of Political branding on voters and has given voters perspective, especially for General elections in 2019. The secondary objective of the paper is to analyze what went into creating the brand “Modi” and what were the factors that made him a suitable candidate or was it him that influenced the voters or the party in general. India's political culture is more than just a reflection of a local lifestyle. Additionally, it serves as a link between the demands of new political formations and previous political experiences and model identities. As a result, it acquires the characteristics of both an emerging national vernacular and a cultural vector that is gradually permeating local culture and acting as a legitimate agent of social change. Social networking sites are currently one of the key media platforms for political campaigns. The impact of social network site usage factors on voter participation, attitude, and confidence, however, has not received much attention. As a result, this study also expands on the idea of earlier studies and tries to investigate the connections between the factors influencing social networking site use, political engagement, voting attitudes, and voting confidence.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 525-532

Role of branding in Indian Politics - A study with reference to General elections 2019

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