Leverage and its impact on shareholders profitability and wealth of pharmaceutical companies in India

  • Unique Paper ID: 158280
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 195-201
  • Abstract:
  • Business enterprises are an integral part of a nation. The enterprise must fulfil its obligations towards society in return for the rights and facilities which the society or the government gives them. They have a significant impact on that society as a result. The company's management are aware of the significant impact their work has on welfare of the society. Therefore, they give this information in their Annual Reports.In today’s market conditions when the expectations of the Equity shareholders are rising, a company has to be able to determine a judicious mix of debt funds and owned funds. It must determine whether or not the use of debt financing helps the business achieve its desired objectives. After all, leverage has a significant impact on a company's overall financial performance, profitability, and liquidity.The pharmaceutical industry is destined to change in the future. In this area of the health industry, businesses large and small are coming up with creative new strategies to stay relevant, frequently by shifting focus. Therefore, the future of the Indian pharmaceutical business appears to be an exceedingly attractive investment opportunity with such amazing effort and vision. Pharmaceutical firms offer solid long-term returns for investors. The time seems ripe to invest in pharmaceutical companies. Stock exchanges provide as a conduit for investments, and the Indian pharmaceutical industry is a popular investment target. By pooling funds, distributing risk, and transferring wealth, stock markets serve as a bridge between savers and capital users.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 195-201

Leverage and its impact on shareholders profitability and wealth of pharmaceutical companies in India

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8.01 (Year 2024)

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