Cloud-based ERP systems for Higher Educational Institutes: A Review

  • Unique Paper ID: 158469
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 560-565
  • Abstract:
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are information systems which are widely used in the industry to get over the old legacy practices by use of new and upcoming technologies. They are widely used in the business industry1 for availing the benefits they offer like increased efficiency, decision-making, decreased expenses, etc. ERPs are used in multiple fields of the industry like supply chain management, project management, risk management, etc. One such field which has emerged as a new market for ERP vendors is Higher Educational Institutes (HEI). Several HEIs are implementing and adopting ERP systems to improve administrative convenience, reduce extra expenses and improve user experience. Though a significant part of the industry has successfully implemented ERP systems there are very few successful implementations in the higher education sector because of the differences between HEIs and business activities. ERPs if appropriately implemented can give awe-inspiring results but there are very few successful implementations of ERP systems thus it has a high failure rate. Cloud-based ERP systems can help overcome some of the challenges faced during the implementation of ERP systems. This paper is a review of the ERP systems in HEIs and also what the cloud can offer to ERPs in HEIs and industries.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 560-565

Cloud-based ERP systems for Higher Educational Institutes: A Review

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