Geostabilization using Phosphogypsum and Recron 3 S Fiber

  • Unique Paper ID: 158766
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 696-702
  • Abstract:
  • Swelling characteristics of expansive clays always poses extensive damages to the overlying structures. So a proper modification method is needed to improve the engineering performance of swelling clays. The use of different additives like cement, lime etc as a stabilizing material is quite common. The use of industrial waste products as an alternative for these conventional binders is gaining more attention in recent times. Approximately 85% of the by-product is still discarded into the ocean or river, or stored in ponds or leaps without purification. The disposal causes serious contamination. Reduction in the disposal of this by-product has economic and environmental benefits. Extensive investigations have been carried out to reuse Phosphogypsum in different fields such as soil stabilization amendments, agricultural fertilizers, set controller in cement manufactures and building materials. In this work phosphogypsum is mixed in the soil with recron fiber with proportion varies from 15, 20 and 30 and 0.5 ,1.0 and 1.5 respectively. The optimum ratio of mix is concluded as 69:30:01 which shows increment in the values of Plasticity Index CBR, UCS, MDD and OMC tests.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 696-702

Geostabilization using Phosphogypsum and Recron 3 S Fiber

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