Constructivist Pedagogical Practices in First Language in relation to Teachers' Qualifications

  • Unique Paper ID: 158987
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 102-107
  • Abstract:
  • Mother tongue is an influential tool in advancing the learning in people. The importance of developing the mother tongue is now widely accepted among researcher. The constructivist model of teaching enables learners to construct knowledge. In this study the researcher had the objective to find Constructivist Pedagogical Practices in First language in relation to Teachers’ Qualification using Convergent parallel design of mixed method (Creswell, 2007). This study had taken Structured Interview Schedule for Teachers who were teaching first language Odia in the class VI and VII by developing 33 items with statements on different aspects of Constructivist pedagogical practices for collecting data and found that the teachers from both group(76% C.T qualified 66% B.Ed qualified) viewed that students had lack of interest in self inquiry which indicated the non practice of IBL whereas 6% C.T qualified teachers viewed the students were not involving themselves actively in learning. Only one C.T qualification teacher was unable to use modern TLM in the classroom practices.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 102-107

Constructivist Pedagogical Practices in First Language in relation to Teachers' Qualifications

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