Accident Intensity Detection and Intimation over IOT

  • Unique Paper ID: 159055
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 268-270
  • Abstract:
  • An accident is an unpredicated and unintentional event.Considering the alarming increase in the number of motor bike riders and the number of accidents happening in our country,this system ensures to make the two-wheeler driving safer than before for the rider.The lack of treatment in proper time is the major reason for half of the deaths in road accidents.This system aims at providing early detection of accidents and communic-ating the information immediately to the emergency responses on time to provide quick assistance for the injured person. When the rider met with an accident and the helmet hits the ground,the vibration sensor which is embedded in the helmet or the top of the roof of a car,which senses the vibration frequency and transfers the value to the ESP32 module that is interfaced to it.While flex and mems threshold frequenc-y exceeds the programmed maximum limit,the ESP32 board extracts GPS data from the GPS module and the notification message with all the necessary information is sent quickly to the registered emergency contacts of the rider.This system assures to provide immediate assistance to the victim of the accident.The results give exact locations of the accident.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 268-270

Accident Intensity Detection and Intimation over IOT

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