• Unique Paper ID: 159151
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 529-533
  • Abstract:
  • Mountaineering has always been a very adventurist & enthusiastic activity. But with adventure comes risk. Mountain climbers are always under risk of accidents. When any such accident occurs at high altitudes or remote locations, search and rescue operations are not always successful because: • The news of accident takes hours or even days of reach search & rescue team • Search and rescue team does not know the location of the accident. • Search & rescue team does not know if the person is alive or not, and if alive what is his condition. The smart mountain climber allows for teams to track vitals of climbers in real time as well as monitor their location over IOT. This provides the following advantages: • Live Heartbeat Monitoring • Upper & Lower Limit Settings • IOT Live Vitals Display • GPS Location Tracking • Added SMS alert in case of limit crossings • Automatic Operation The system makes use of a Heartbeat and temperature sensor with at mega controller, Wi-Fi module, LCD Display and GSM Module with Power supply to develop this system. The pulse sensor is use to sense the user heart rate and transmit it to the controller. The controller displays this value on and LCD display as well as transmits this over the IOT for live monitoring. The controller also has 4 button inputs that lets user to configure the contact number on which to send the SMS as well as the upper and lower limits of heart rate to send alerts. The controller now monitors the pulse rates constantly. If the pulse or temperature goes beyond set limits, the controller shows an alert over the IOT display using the wi-fi as well as it uses a GSM module to send an SMS alert with GPS coordinates that can be viewed as a link to send a search party instantly to send location for rescue attempt. Even if the climber goes out of network area, the team still has the last recorded location over IOT to narrow down the climbers search location.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 529-533


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