Perception Towards Usage of Plastic Money

  • Unique Paper ID: 159175
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 559-567
  • Abstract:
  • The plastic money began to be widely used only after 1970, when the specific standards for magnetic strip where set. In the late 1990s, plastic card become very common and by 2001, plastic money had become an essential form of “ready money” the global card market is dominated by two US-based players, Visa and Master card. Visa introduced its first credit card. In present era, it is impossible to imagine modern bank transactions, commercial transactions and other payments without using the plastic cards. Plastic currency is now gradually becoming a necessity across the globe as more and more developed countries are opting for plastic compared to paper as there are several inherent advantages. This Study highlights the use of Plastic money in Surat city. The study is been carried out by taking a survey of 100 respondents by random sampling method. The findings were that there is still scope of improvement in the plastic money infrastructure and it is suggested to make use of plastic money wherever possible, also pay due attention to the security of your plastic cards. At last it is concluded that plastic money has a very bright future in the coming years because of the increasing trend of e-commerce.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 559-567

Perception Towards Usage of Plastic Money

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