An Integrated Approach for Organic Waste Management in India

  • Unique Paper ID: 159391
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 1010-1012
  • Abstract:
  • India is a rapidly growing country with a population of over 1.3 billion people. With the population comes an enormous amount of organic waste generated from agricultural, industrial, and household activities. Organic waste management is a significant challenge for the country due to the environmental and health hazards associated with improper disposal. This paper discusses the current state of organic waste management in India, the challenges faced, and the opportunities for sustainable management. Effective organic waste management is critical to minimize the negative impact of waste on the environment and public health. This paper explores various methods of organic waste management, including composting, anaerobic digestion, and landfilling. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed, along with their associated costs and environmental impacts. Additionally, the paper examines the importance of community involvement and education in promoting sustainable waste management practices.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 1010-1012

An Integrated Approach for Organic Waste Management in India

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