Semi-Automated Wheelchair with Safety Measures

  • Unique Paper ID: 159481
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 17-20
  • Abstract:
  • Out of the total population in the world we found that 131,800,000 require a wheelchair. According to a study, 1% of people worldwide have rheumatoid arthritis. This is a chronic inflammatory disorder which affects many joints, including the ones in the hands and feet. This makes it difficult for them to perform daily activities and thus makes them dependent on others for their assistance. Although they can become self-independent by using certain type of device. For that purpose, a semi- automated wheelchair has been proposed. The wheelchair is one of the most used assistive and the benefit of having a Wheelchair is that it enhances a person’s mobility and thus give independence for the user and their relatives or colleagues, allowing them to take part in everyday activities, despite having reduced mobility. It helps performing day to day tasks with ease, also a wheelchair offers many social and mental health benefits. Thus, this proposed wheelchair can be controlled manually. It allows the user to give a command to the wheelchair to which direction he wants to go with the help a joystick which is being controlled by Arduino UNO. We also have planetary gear motors connected to read wheels of the wheelchair with the help of Arduino UNO. For movement the command goes through the microcontroller via the joystick to the planetary motors which commands the motors to change the speed and direction of the wheelchair. Wheelchair is generally used my elder people or by people who are not physically independent. To help such people and ensure their safety we have enabled safety on the wheelchair. For this a GSM module is interfaced with the Arduino UNO. This feature delivers an SMS message to the registered Mobile number with the help of a GPS module. Furthermore, a wheelchair provides security by limiting unauthorized access to it. This is done by sending the live location of the wheelchair to the registered mobile number after certain interval of time. Thus, ensuring the users safety when he/she is travelling on its own and people won’t have to worry about the safety of the person and the wheelchairs being stolen. Thus, we have proposed a Smart Wheelchair with Safety measures to meet the requirements of a user in

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 17-20

Semi-Automated Wheelchair with Safety Measures

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