Formulation and Standardization of Barnyard Millet Nimkin incorporated with Amaranth Seed

  • Unique Paper ID: 159578
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 186-191
  • Abstract:
  • Barnyard millet (echinochloa species) includes nutrient than other cereal grains and it is a great source of protein, carbohydrate, iron and fibre. This can be handed to 6 to 8- month babies as gruel or Kheer, and to kiddies above one time as dosa and idlis. It's honored as" Sanwa Rice" but when boiled, it makes it taste nearly like rice. Barnyard Millet is indeed a real natural blessing to the diurnal mess and inactivity, which can lead to multitudinous health issues. Amaranth (also called kiwicha or amaranthus) which has high nutrient content in both splint and in seed. It's also rich in fibre which reduces threat of developing cardiovascular complaint. Barnyard millet is a good source for maintaining healthy diet snack prepared by incorporating amaranth seed in 3 variants. It was estimated by a panel of judges using score card with five point hedonic scale. The packaging material decided for packing the Barnyard Nimkin is (PET) Poly Ethylene Terephthalate box vessel or burlesque zip cinch sacks. Shelf life analysis has experienced to examine the shelf life of a product and how they change with environmental conditions. The cost of barnyard millet nimkin incorporated with amaranth seed were anatomized by taking into account. The fixed and variable cost include during the course of processing. The sensitive outgrowth revealed that among the advanced products the overall mean score in 10 incorporated amaranth seed nimkin was largely respectable.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 186-191

Formulation and Standardization of Barnyard Millet Nimkin incorporated with Amaranth Seed

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