Blood Flow in Distal End-to-side Anastomoses with PTFE , Numerical and experimental study of blood flow through a patient-specific arteriovenous fistula, Computer aided design and fabrication of models for in vitro studies &Research

  • Unique Paper ID: 159594
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 418-426
  • Abstract:
  • Experimental modeling of arteriovenous hemodialysis fistula (AVF) hemodynamics is challenging. Mathematical modeling struggles to accurately represent the capillary bed and venous circulation. In vivo animal models are expensive and labor intensive. We hypothesized that an in vitro, physiologic model of the extremity arteriovenous circulation with provisions for AVF and distal revascularization and interval ligation (DRIL) configurations could be created as a platform for hemodynamic modeling and testing.non-physiological flow behaviour plays a significant role in the development of distal anastomotic intimal hyperplasia. To investigate flow patterns in four anastomotic types of femoral end-to-side distal bypass graft anastomoses, a flow visualisation study was performed.Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) pathologies related to blood flow necessitate valid calculation tools for local velocity and wall shear stress determination to overcome the clinical diagnostic limits. To illustrate this issue, a reconstructed patient-specific AVF was investigated, using computational fluid dynamics (CFDs) and particle image velocimetry (PIV). The aim of this study was to validate the methodology from medical images to numerical simulations of an AVF by comparing numerical and experimental dataAn integrated computer aided design/computer aided manufacture system has been used to model the complex geometry of blood vessel anastomoses. Computer models are first constructed with key dimensions derived from radiological images of bypass grafts, and from casts of actual blood vessel anastomoses. Physical models are then fabricated in one of two ways: the surface geometry data can be used to control the movement of a three-axis milling machine; alternatively, the same data can be exported in a form that can be interpreted by a stereolithography apparatus.Simulation allows surgical trainees to acquire surgical skills in a safe environment. With the aim of reducing the use of animal experimentation, different alternative nonliving models have been pursued. However, one of the main disadvantages of these nonliving models has been the absence of arterial flow, pulsation, and the ability to integrate both during a procedure on a blood vessel.

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