Resilient Organizations and Coaching Cultures: Two sides of the same coin

  • Unique Paper ID: 159972
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 971-977
  • Abstract:
  • Organizational Resilience has evoked geat interest especially in the wake of current pandemic, which has escalated our need for individual and Organizational resilience. Individuals and Organisations are suffering and are being engulfed in a spiral of destruction. There is an imminent need to develop and scale Organizational resileience which helps prepare organisations to not only revive quickly from a crisis albeit also rewire for future success. Although there has been acute academic interest on this topic, there is little consensus on what constiutes resilience and how to develop Organizations which are resilient. Since resilience is a multimodal construct, there are numerous approaches/ intervtnions that have been proposed to develop individual, team and Organizational resilience . There have ben some seminal studies done in this context where increase in individual resilience was reported as an outcome of contextualised coaching programmes (Grant, Gutayne& Buntom, 2009). However, to employ coaching as a systemic tool to develop organsiational resilience has been largely unexplored. The primary aim of this paper is to anayse and evaluate org resilience as a multimodal contruct, decompose into its individual components, examine the antecedants and drivers of resilience , identify the stages of resilience that an organization goes through and how coaching as a developmental intervention can become a sustainable mechanism for developing Organisational Resilience. We formulate a conceptual model of adopting various forms of coaching in an organizational context connecting the multiple independent factors which may collectively contribute to Organizational Resilience.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 971-977

Resilient Organizations and Coaching Cultures: Two sides of the same coin

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