• Unique Paper ID: 160908
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 64-69
  • Abstract:
  • The study of or pertaining to the study of the high atmosphere is known as aeronomy and Law is a set of guidelines that a nation or community recognises as governing the behaviour of its citizens and can enact by imposing sanctions: An anomaly is something that differs from what is usual, anticipated, or standard: or in a scientific manner, it is angular separation of a planet or satellite from its previous perihelion or perigee is said to have "a number of anomalies in the present system." The issue with air travel is that, despite being a commodity on the one hand, regulations governing it may limit the consumer's access to it by denying him the range of air travel options he might have under a more flexible system. In other words, state policy and safeguarding national interests come before the interests of air travel consumers. The only product that the aviation sector provides to the final consumer is air transportation. One can legitimately wonder why this commodity cannot draw unrestricted foreign direct investment (FDI), as do others in the agriculture, textile manufacturing, and energy sectors. This is due to three factors which are discussed further. One can legitimately wonder why this commodity cannot draw unrestricted foreign direct investment (FDI), as do others in the agriculture, textile manufacturing, and energy sectors. This is due to three factors. The first justification is that since 1919, States have claimed to have sole and total control over the airspace above their respective borders.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 64-69


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