Sociological Study of Anganwadi Workers in Karnataka: A Review

  • Unique Paper ID: 161047
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 425-429
  • Abstract:
  • The grass root level workers who are called Anganwadi Workers provide the series of services of Integrated Child Development Services. The place where the services are provided is called Anganwadi. Anganwadi workers play the most key role in providing basic education, nutrition and safeguarding health in rural India. To provide basic services to the children as well as to the mothers for proper growth and development, the scheme of Integrated Child Development Services was initiated on 2nd October 1975 with 33 projects all over the country. It was launched under the Ministry of Women and Child Development Department to reduce the level of infant and child mortality rates in the rural areas. The significant functions of Anganwadi is to provide supplementary nutrition to the children below six years of age and nursing and pregnant mothers from low income families. At the same time, immunization of all children less than six years of age and immunization against tetanus and health education to all women in the age group of 15-45 years are also performed by the Anganwadi Workers. Subsequently basic health checkup which includes antenatal care of expectant mothers, Postnatal care of nursing mothers, care of new born babies and care of all children under six years of age. They are supposed to be able to refer serious cases of malnutrition or illness to hospitals, Community health services or district hospitals. The problems of Anganwadi workers in the inadequate honorarium. That the Anganwadi workers they are considered with the “honorary workers” and there by given only “honorarium” and not minimum wages. The work load of the Anganwadi staff was heavy work but the status of the wages in low, the monthly honorarium of Anganwadi teachers was only 5.500. Hence a detailed study is required to analyses the problems of Angalwadi workers and find solution for the same

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 425-429

Sociological Study of Anganwadi Workers in Karnataka: A Review

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