Implementation of Smart Shoe Using Arduino Uno

  • Unique Paper ID: 161275
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 135-139
  • Abstract:
  • One Good vision is one of God’s gifts, as it helps a person to be aware of their surroundings. Unfortunately, this blessing is denied to millions of people. In visually impaired persons, lack of vision adds to low self-esteem, making them conservative since they are unable to interact with the world in the same way that others do. Taking all of these issues into account, a low-cost, user-friendly wearable shoe is developed that supports blind people in doing everyday tasks and enables them to become self-sufficient. This shoe enables both partially and completely blind people to traverse an unfamiliar area on their own. The trainer in question has features such as an obstruction-detecting sensor. This article discusses how to deal with the challenges that visually impaired people have by using assistive technology in the shape of shoes. INDIA accounts for 21% of the overall blind population, hence the majority of blind people rely on others for assistance. The smart shoes will identify adjacent objects or impediments and send the receiver an audio/vibration notification. As a result, it enables the visually impaired person to get additional knowledge about the difficulties around them without the need for assistance or advice. It will make kids more self-sufficient because there should be an “EYE” for every “I”.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 135-139

Implementation of Smart Shoe Using Arduino Uno

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