Foreign Direct Investments - Its impact on Various Sectors in India with special reference to Retail Sectors

  • Unique Paper ID: 161345
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 440-444
  • Abstract:
  • The economic development of a country involves utilization of its resources for increasing the productive capacity of the country. But in most of the developing countries such utilization of resources is rather difficult due to the scarcity of domestic capital and hence there is a need to attract the foreign capital. Foreign direct investment is one of the oldest and recognised channels for importing capital and technology from the developed countries into the developing countries like India. Foreign direct investments especially through multinational corporate has been a subject of animated discussion both in home and host countries. Foreign is a nebulous concept. In wider sense it denotes wide spectrum of international business arrangements, but in essence it entails flow of capital, technology, skills and enterprises from one country to another. Such flows, although a new phenomenon, have assumed significant in the wake of the needs and desires of contemporary developing countries to push up their growth rates. In India, like any other developing countries, the role of foreign direct investment is debated tremendously and effortlessly. Today, when all efforts are being made to develop the economy, the government and the people expect the foreign firms to play a more positive role in the economic development of India. But the entry of the foreign firms in Indian market has forced the retail sectors to face the immediate challenges given by them. Therefore, in this context it is needed to analyse critically the impact of foreign direct investment on the retail sectors in India. The issues like increase in prices, sustainable growth, technology upgradation and employment generation need to be addressed.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 440-444

Foreign Direct Investments - Its impact on Various Sectors in India with special reference to Retail Sectors

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