Vendor Managed Inventory (Supplier Performance Rating in Delivery) at Brakes India Private Limited

  • Unique Paper ID: 161372
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 467-473
  • Abstract:
  • Having chosen supplier base as the project headline, various methods of rating vendors have been researched. Nowadays the problems faced by industries are performance in the way of rating, optimization, re-ordering, repetition of vendors, etc. The main purpose is to optimize the supplier base, resolving inefficiencies in choosing the right vendor for the right order which as easy as it may seem, need to be verified keeping in mind all the various parameters that go into a product from manufacture to delivery to assembly. Thus the above mentioned problems have been resolved with the help of a developed software using delivery control as the major aspect. Operations management is an area of administration that deals with business practices. It helps create maximum efficiency in the organization. Operations management plays an important role in business organizations to help them achieve their objectives and desired goals. Operations management department like any other department like Finance, Sales, HR is an integral part of almost all organizations be it big or small-scale units. It involves a set of processes like planning, organizing, and supervising the tasks carried out in the organization. It improves productivity and enhances the skills of the workers working in the organization. It improves the working conditions of the workers of the organization. The process of Operations Management reduces wastage of resources. This in turn, reduces the expenditure in the organization. Operations Management is an important aspect of every company. Operations Management is a function of management and is important for the success of any company. Operations management helps to create products which can be sold by companies in an effective and efficient manner.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 467-473

Vendor Managed Inventory (Supplier Performance Rating in Delivery) at Brakes India Private Limited

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