Cyber Crime and Media Awareness in India

  • Unique Paper ID: 161435
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 166-168
  • Abstract:
  • The prevalence of cyber-related crimes involving computer and mobile phone use has been on the rise in India, raising concerns about the need to protect information systems from unauthorized dissemination and removals. Cyber security teams have been kept on their toes due to incidents such as hacking, theft of data, cyber bullying, and cyber extortion. The majority of respondents (60%) reported that they only occasionally receive cyber crime-related news from the media, with 25% reporting that they do not find enough cyber-related news in the media and 20% reporting that cyber-crime-related news appears in the media on a regular basis. Out of the remaining 20%, 5% reported that print media was creating more awareness, while 15% reported that it was the electronic media which was creating more awareness on cyber-related issues. The qualitative analysis of the survey style enabled the collection of information which was analyzed through the use of ANOVA tests, multivariate tests, normative analysis, structural equation model, and model fit assessment. Measures being taken to combat cyber crime are also discussed.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 166-168

Cyber Crime and Media Awareness in India

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