User Defined Plastic Hinge Modelling for Non- Linear Seismic Response on Reinforced Concrete Building

  • Unique Paper ID: 161643
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 260-265
  • Abstract:
  • It is seen that from the previous major earthquakes in India, the most damage was seen in many medium and high-rise buildings, which affected people's life safety. Therefore, investigation and evaluation of the seismic resistance of the structure. It is an important job. This study focuses on nonlinear modeling of the seismic response of reinforced concrete buildings using hinge components. In the rest of the product, time constant and time transformation relationships are created using Eurocode-8 recommendations. On this basis, methods have been developed to study the moment and curvature values of certain beams and columns in the relevant software. G+9 building will be constructed as per IS 456:2000 and its seismic performance will be evaluated in SAP2000 software. The seismic nonlinear response of a proposed building was evaluated with user-defined hinges and the results were compared with modeling using the automatic hinge method. The building considered in the analysis is IV. It is a mid-rise symmetrical building with a middle ground type in the earthquake zone. Displacements between floors, element forces and hinge type performance elements are criteria that were not observed in the study. The seismic response of buildings with additional masonry infill and shear walls was also investigated using the nonlinear modeling technique described above. The study concluded that the difference between the results of automatic hinges and user-defined hinges varies between 5% and 8%. The analysis shows that the user-defined hinge model exhibits better nonlinear response than the automatic hinge model.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 260-265

User Defined Plastic Hinge Modelling for Non- Linear Seismic Response on Reinforced Concrete Building

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